
Khyati Kava
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2022


Dhaval Varaiya — AVP Operation

We’re a bunch of curious explorers who make magic happen at Jupiter. In our #HumansOfJupiter series, we chat with people from different teams to know what it’s really like to work at Jupiter.

☕️ In our first coffee-chat, we spoke to Dhaval from the Ops team to know how he keeps the ship oiled at Jupiter. We discuss his role, his time at Jupiter and a challenge that the founder threw at him that pushed him to his limits. Over to Dhaval!

  1. What does a day look like for you at Jupiter?

Every day is a new day at Jupiter. It’s full of surprises! My day usually starts with closing some operational tasks. But I end the day with at least 2–3 learnings. And that for me is super-exciting!

I’ve come to believe that if a person or the company isn’t benefiting from what you or your team is doing, you’re not doing justice to your role. So, I just try to keep improving and hustling every day!

2. You’ve been with Jupiter for 2 years now. What are the two key biggest takeaways from your time here?

Oh. This is a tough one. Cause I’ve learnt so much here!

Okay. So, the first one would be that I try to give my 100% to what I’m doing. At Jupiter, the culture is that either you’ll execute the task successfully or you’ll get a chance to learn from your mistakes. And both are okay.

The second is to always trust the organisation’s vision and goals. I’ve come to learn that things usually fall into place when everyone is aligned to a clear vision and goal.

3. What do you think of your team at Jupiter?

So, I work in the Operations team. For those who don’t know what we do, the Ops team is the backbone and the hidden pillar of the company. It’s the team that ensures all processes sail smoothly — onboarding, investment, debit card, or payments. Luckily for me, my team is full of enthusiastic members who are always up for challenges, tasks, and new learnings.

4. What’s your favourite project that you’ve worked on during your time at Jupiter?

Haha. Can’t forget this one! I remember the conversation in which Jiten gave me the task to get Jupiter certified for ISO-27001. I had 0 clue about this. 0.

I started reading on the internet and looking for a partner who could help us in getting this certification. It was a challenging task but one that I really enjoyed. I absolutely loved working in sync with the entire team, attending the many meetings, and coordinating with the external stakeholders.

I’m happy to tell you that at Jupiter, we have completed the surveillance (re-certification) audit of ISO-27001:2013. Woohoo! 🥳

5. How would you describe life on Jupiter?

The last two years at Jupiter have been nothing less than a roller-coaster ride! In a fast-paced environment like Jupiter’s, you have to be on your toes to execute all your projects and get things done quickly.

But it’s also important to study and analyse the challenges in your path and take action accordingly. There’s always room for error at Jupiter because it leads to experiential learning. This is precisely why working at Jupiter is super exciting and is a great learning experience!

